Friday 12 April 2013

How to make simple Paper Roses

Once again there are hundreds of tutorials across the internet for various styles of paper and fabric flowers and roses. This idea was by far the simplest and most effective.
You can use any kind of paper, I used magazines choosing only the pages with the right colours (pink, gold and white) and of course you can paint, draw add glitter to your petals to make them a bit different. The only other things you need for this project are: scissors, glue, hot glue gun and some sort of template (with six petal shapes!)        

step 1, make a template and draw round it.
I found it easier to draw and cut all my flowers before I moved onto the next stage, I found a good film and knuckled down for an hour or so. You will need three flowers for each rose. 

I marked the centre points as I went along and made sure I had a good variety of colour. At this point you may wish to strengthen your paper, PVA glue will do a good enough job and add a nice gloss. 

Step 2, cut each flower down to the centre point
Select three flowers for each rose and cut each down to the centre point from any of the outer corners. Cut two petals from your first flower, and one from the next, the last one just needs the incision. You will be left with five pieces, which will all be used. 

Step 3, Apply glue to the petal next to your cut.
overlap the two petals either side of the cut and stick down.
Repeat the overlapping process with each of your larger segments, they will form coned flower shapes. 
wrap each of the smaller petals around a pencil to shape it into a cone and stick down.

All we need to do now is assemble! Use a piece of card as your base, this will be useful for attaching them at a later date. Trim the bottom points of each cone for a flat surface, and add a little curl to each petal using a pencil.

Now it's time for the glue gun, each flower is attached in size order, hold it in place until the glue dries, make sure you offset each flower to add depth. I added a touch of glitter to the edges of my petals et voila! 

The end result, pretty little roses all in a row.

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial, once again, other than the hot glue this didn't cost a penny and still looks pretty elegant. Please feel free to share pictures of your roses. 


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