Thursday 18 April 2013

Making mini Dreamcatchers

Step 1. tie your thread to the hoop
Traditionally you would use willow to make the basic hoop, I tend to use whatever I can find, currently its recycled curtain hoops. Bind your hoop with strips of fabric. I used a dab of hot glue to secure the ends.
The length of your thread depends on the size of your hoop and how detailed you want your web, it's best to go longer. I am making mini Dreamcatchers so I am using a hairgrip as a sort of needle to guide the thread.

Step 1. Secure your thread to the hoop and we are ready to master what is essentially a simple knot repeated over and over.
Step 2. Take your thread over the hoop and back up through the loop you just created.
Thats over, round, up and through.

Repeat Step 2. all the way around your hoop, making sure your segments are fairly evenly spaced. Try not to pull things too tight, especially if you are using a willow hoop as the tension can change the shape of your hoop, or worse your thread might snap. However keeping things as taut as possible will improve your end result. This is something you will get the hang of once you've made a few.

Over : Round : Up : Through

When you get to the end of your first round, leave about half a section to offset your web, now instead of taking each thread over the hoop you are taking the thread through the sections you created in step 2. 
Step 3. Take your thread down through the first segment

Bring it back up and through the loop you just created.
Pull taut and continue the process.
keep your knots in the centre of each segment it will create a triangle
Repeat until you reach the centre and secure with a knot. Here you can attach a bead either by threading it on before you tie off or with a dab of hot glue, which is what I have done because my Dreamcatcher is very small!


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